Implementation of the Causal Network Model in a Spanish Narrative Story


  • Juan Pablo Barreyro Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Carlos Molinari Marotto Universidad de Buenos Aires.


narratives, Causal Network Model, natural texts


The Causal Network Model suggests that the causal structure of a story and its representation in the episodic memory resemble a network, where the events are a combination of causal antecedent and have multiple consequences. The purpose of this article was to present the application of the Causal Network Model in a Spanish natural narrative text. Given that studies in text comprehension have tended to use experimental texts written in English, the purpose was to describe the application of the Model in a Spanish natural text, in order to advocate for the relevance of this model to study the cognitive processes involved in the comprehension of texts.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Barreyro, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Investigador Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Carlos Molinari Marotto, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Profesor Adjunto de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Barreyro, J. P., & Molinari Marotto, C. (2019). Implementation of the Causal Network Model in a Spanish Narrative Story. Revista De Psicología, 9(17), 19–31. Retrieved from




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