Presentation Dossier


  • Mauro Nicolás Guerrero Bergische Universität Wuppertal


Leocata, Dossier, Presentation


On January 9, 2022, Francisco Leocata, professor emeritus of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, died in the city of Buenos Aires, having held the chairs of History of Modern Philosophy and Philosophy of Language. Born on July 28, 1944 in Catania, province of Italy, he emigrated to Argentina with his family when he was very young and, soon after, he entered the Salesian Fathers' Seminary and later became a Catholic priest. Between 1967 and 1971 he studied theology at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. After his return he enrolled at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina to study philosophy. In 1976 he founded and directed for more than a decade the "Don Bosco" faculty specialized in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. His life was devoted both to teaching and research in multiple fields of philosophy, particularly in the History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy under the perspective of the Modernity-Illustration distinction, Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Ethics and Theory of Values, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy and Human Sciences, and History of Argentine Philosophy.


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Author Biography

Mauro Nicolás Guerrero, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Mauro Nicolás Guerrero es Profesor (2015) y Licenciado (2020) en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Fue becario de la Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, de la UCA, del CONICET y del ICALA. Fue docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (2017-21) y del Programa de Ingreso (desde 2018) de la UCA. Asimismo, fue docente de Filosofía en el Curso de Admisión de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (2019-21). Actualmente, realiza su Doctorado en Filosofía en la Universidad de Wuppertal sobre el concepto de mundo en Husserl, Heidegger y Fink.



How to Cite

Guerrero, M. N. (2024). Presentation Dossier. Tábano, (23), 74. Retrieved from



Dossier Tribute to Francisco Leocata