Joaquín Torres García: the Album Structures of 1932


  • Jorge Schwartz Universidade de São Paulo. Brasil



Album, Archive, Collecting, Atlas


This article focuses on the unpublished album Structures by Joaquín Torres García, dated 1932. My research on that album led me to other artists such as the Italian Umberto Boccioni, the German Hannah Höch, and the Argentine Alejandro Xul Solar. As a type of collecting, the album is marginal to the form and nature of the work by which these creators are known in the world of art. And for that reason, these “albums” have been an inspiration to inquiry and research. We can conjecture that it is a tradition or a habit, little studied in art history, which finds in the extraordinary work of Aby Warburg a point of departure as well as convergence.


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How to Cite

Schwartz, J. (2024). Joaquín Torres García: the Album Structures of 1932. Letras, (89), 39–64.