Athanasius: Theologian, Exegete, and Spiritual Teacher Aspects of his «Letter to Marcellinus»


  • Alberto Carlos Capboscq Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Filología Clásica ; Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino



Atanasio, Salmos, Exégesis patrística, Oración, Espiritualidad


The article presents a look at Athanasius’s writing «Letter to Marcellin, on the Psalms», highlighting its structure, the course of his argumentation and some elements of his exegesis and his theological thought that support his discourse. In particular, the relationship of the Psalms with the set of Sacred Scriptures is evidenced, as well as their relevance for the spiritual life of the believer. The intention is to draw attention to lesser known aspects of the spirituality of this Father of the Church.


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Biografia Autor

Alberto Carlos Capboscq, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Filología Clásica ; Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino

El autor, destacado traductor y patrólogo argentino, es miembro del Instituto de Filología Clásica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y profesor de la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA).


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Como Citar

Capboscq, A. C. (2022). Athanasius: Theologian, Exegete, and Spiritual Teacher Aspects of his «Letter to Marcellinus». Teología, 59(137), 31–58.


