The Holy Spirit in the mysteries of the life of Jesus: the incamation. Contiibutions for a pneumo-christology from the writings of Marcello Bordoni


  • Osvaldo Raigal Instituto Teológico San Carlos de Borromeo de Rosario



Marcello Bordoni, Pneumo-cristología, Cristología Pneuma- tológica, Misterios de Jesucristo, Encarnación, Espíritu Santo.


The following article refers to the relationship between Jesus and the Spirit, presenting a brief analysis of the Spirit's role in the mystery of the in- carnation, being the starting point, the writings of Marcello Bordoni. The intention is to make a contribution for the construction of a Pneumo-Chris- tology, that is to say, a characterization of the Holy Spirit from his performance at the event Jesus Christ, considered as the highlight of biblical revelation. On this occasion, some features of Pneuma will be attempted to be rescued by studying their role in the mystery of the incarnation as was understood by Bordoni.


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Biografia Autor

Osvaldo Raigal, Instituto Teológico San Carlos de Borromeo de Rosario

Doctor en Teología por la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriano y profesor de Teología Dogmática en el Instituto Teológico San Carlos de Borromeo, Rosario (Pcia. de Santa Fe, Argentina)


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Bordoni, Marcello. Nuovo Dizionario di Teologia. Alba Pompei: Paoli- ne, 1977, s. v. «Incarnazione», 621-643.

Bordoni, Marcello. «Istanze pneumatologiche di una cristologia in prospettiva universale», en Casale Marcheselli (ed.), Parola e Spirito: studi in onore di Settimio Cipriani. Brescia: Paideia, 1982, 1017-1041.

Bordoni, Marcello. Christus omnium redemptor. Saggi di cristologia. Cittá del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000.

Bordoni, Marcello. Questioni attuali di cristologia. Roma: Pontificia Universitá Lateranense, 1973.

Congar, Yves M. J. «Pour une christologie pneumatologique». Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques 63 (1979): 435-442.

Durrwell, Frangois-Xavier. Jesús, Hijo de Dios en el Espíritu Santo. Salamanca: Secretariado Trinitario, 2000.

Ladaria, Luis M., Jesús y el Espíritu: la unción. Burgos: Monte Carmelo - Didaskalos, 2013.

Moltmann, Jürgen. El Espíritu de la vida. Salamanca: Sígueme, 1998.



Como Citar

Raigal, O. (2021). The Holy Spirit in the mysteries of the life of Jesus: the incamation. Contiibutions for a pneumo-christology from the writings of Marcello Bordoni. Teología, 58(136), 35–59.


