Enrique Dussel's "Otherness" and the Problem of the Euro-centric Totalized Epistemological System in Academic Theology


  • Daniel Jara Universidad Teológica del Caribe




Enrique Dussel, Alteridad, Modernidad, Levinás, Problema asimétrico, Giro post-colonial.


The article deeps into the thought of Dr. Enrique Dussel (La Paz, Mendoza, Argentina, 1934) in order to demonstrate that modern academic thought in the global north (theological thought included, naturally) is highly euro-centric, cognitive-centric and naive about its self-placed position of authority and superio- rity regarding theological knowledge from the global south, which constitutes its Other. It explores Dussel's thought about Modernity and refers to the totalization of the Euro-centrical model. In order to deal with what Dussel calls «the conquering vocation of the system», inspiration is found on the Levinasian philosophy of the Other and on an approach to the «asymmetrical problem» that stresses the need for a post-colonial turn against the empire of Euro-centric reason, while recognizing the Other as a revelatory epiphany.


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Biografia Autor

Daniel Jara, Universidad Teológica del Caribe

El autor es ecuatoriano, profesor de Teología Intercultural en el Seminario Sudamericano SE- MISUD - dependiente de la Universidad Teológica del Caribe UTC. Editor-in-Chief de MOZAIK: The Ecumenical Journal of the World Students Christian Federation WSCF-Europe. Master en Teología (Cross-Cultural Theology) en el Protestant Theological University (The Netherlands). Master en Extended Ecumenical Studies por la University of Bonn (Germany). Especialista en epistemologías del Sur por el Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Dr. Theol. (cand.) at Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany).


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Como Citar

Jara, D. (2020). Enrique Dussel’s "Otherness" and the Problem of the Euro-centric Totalized Epistemological System in Academic Theology. Teología, 57(133), 159–182. https://doi.org/10.46553/teo.57.133.2020.p159-182


