"My Beloved, the Mountains... the Strange Insulas." The Adventure of Love of the Poet Saint John of the Cross in a Theological Aesthetic Key





Hans Urs von Balthasar, Estilos, Estética teológica, Islas literarias, Pandemia, San Juan de la Cruz, Christoph Theobald


In the background of isolation lived during pandemics during the past two years, Literature has remained to many of us as a spiritual reservoir of voices and sceneries which have helped us to understand each other offering water to quench humanity. The aim of this article is to dwell on the symbolism of the "odd islands" which St. John of the Cross presents in two verses of his "Spiritual Chant": stanza 13 referring to the absent Beloved and in stanza 32, referring to the searched Beloved. For this purpose, I will firstly pose the poetic originality of this metaphor in the Renaissance context in which it was written, and then I will stand out the theological-aesthetical validity of the nuptial metaphorization of the human and divine unión. In the context of experienced isolation, I will introduce such islands as the new and unknown configuration paths of an open hope for humanity capable of receiving the divine gift of a full life.



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Biografia Autor

Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.

Doctora en Letras (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina - UCA). Investigadora y Profesora Titular Ordinaria de Estética (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y Facultad de Teología - UCA). Directora del Seminario Interdisciplinario Permanente de Literatura Estética y Teología (Instituto de Investigaciones Teológicas en Facultad de Teología -UCA, desde 1998 hasta la actualidad). Fundadora de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Literatura y Teología


Balthasar, Hans Urs von. Gloria. Una estética teológica 3. Estilos laicales. Madrid: Encuentro, 1986.

Juan de la Cruz, Obras Completas. A cargo de Maximiliano Herráiz. Salamanca: Sígueme, 2007.

Marión, Jean-Luc. «La vida, aquello que nunca se posee». En El rigor del corazón. La afectividad en la obra de Jean-Euc Marión, ed. Jorge Luis Roggero. Buenos Aires: Editorial SB, 2022.

Theobald, Christoph. Hospitalidad y santidad. Pensar una pluralidad de estilos de vivir. Prólogo Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo y Eduardo Casarotti. Buenos Aires: Agape Libros, 2019.

Thompson, Colín P. Canciones en la noche. Madrid: Trotta, 2002.



Como Citar

Avenatti de Palumbo, C. (2022). "My Beloved, the Mountains. the Strange Insulas." The Adventure of Love of the Poet Saint John of the Cross in a Theological Aesthetic Key. Teología, 59(139), 309–320. https://doi.org/10.46553/teo.59.139.2022.p309-320


