Ὠφέλεια y ἀγάπη: An ethic from responsibility
Responsibility, Ethics, Agape, Assistance, FriendshipAbstract
This article proposes ὠφέλεια and ἀγάπη as key concepts to support an ethic based on responsibility. An approach to the philosophy of Epicurus will be made as a framework for analyzing ethics from the ὠφέλεια, which highlights the role of the φιλíα as a meeting point and approach to the biblical ἀγάπη. Despite the novelty proposed by ἀγάπη as a concept of Christian ethical experience, the concept of ὠφέλεια is presented as an antecedent, and provides common elements regarding responsibility for the other. Furthermore, ethics, as responsibility for the other, proposed by the Lithuanian-French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas provides an updated understanding of care and love.
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