Algunos significados originarios y eneseñanzas actuales. Hermenéutica de la historia de las Apariciones de Nuestra Madre de Guadalupe.


  • Leandro Horacio Chitarroni Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Guadalupan event, Possibility-model, Dialog, Pedagogy, Inculturation, Pluralism.


We want to contribute to reach a better knowledge and utilization of the Guadalupan
event’s treasureswich constitutes an authentic model and posibility for todays present. Specifying, titling and hierarchizing some aspects of an initial interpretation, we complete the hermeneutic proposal. In short, we make concrete a way that provides
us criteria to obtain the relevant and allways current dynamics of the dialog which
the history of the Apparitions of the “Virgen Morena” reveals. We seek to stimulate, to re-discover and to re-create these dynamics with all their consequences and with the sublying pedagogy that makes it possible in order to move into prudential decisions that, in the begining of the third millenium, lead us to live lucidly our identity and service as People of God in every culture and situation. We want to to favor the arrival to existential conclusions that guide us -in the context of a world inhabited by very different people- towards the construction of an authentic and plural new world, in order to live an inculturating and inculturated new evangelization time.


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How to Cite

Chitarroni, L. H. (2020). Algunos significados originarios y eneseñanzas actuales. Hermenéutica de la historia de las Apariciones de Nuestra Madre de Guadalupe. Teología, 46(100), 577–610. Retrieved from