Las misiones y visitas canónicas en los pueblos de frontera de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


  • Eduardo Jorge Farrell Diócesis de Merlo Moreno


Frontiers, Popular Missions, Canonical Visits, Frontier Towns of Buenos Aires


Given the importance of popular missions in the frontier towns of Buenos Aires for evangelization and the establishment of the Church, the author offers a study on the subject in relation to the visits the bishops made to these frontier towns near Indian borderland and the establishment of parishes in the second half of the XIXth Century. The presentation is part of a wider investigation carried out in 2008 for the MA in Theology with specialization in Church History. The article ends with some general conclusions on the subject.


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How to Cite

Farrell, E. J. (2020). Las misiones y visitas canónicas en los pueblos de frontera de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Teología, 47(103), 31–99. Retrieved from