Presencia y función de Cartago en Facta et Dicta Memora-bilia de Valerio Máximo


  • Marcela Nasta Universidad de Buenos Aires - Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica


Valerius Maximus, Rome, Carthage, Representation, Rhetorical streategy


Facta et Dicta Memorabilia constitutes a broad and diverse array of historic events that have been cropped and extracted from their historical timeline. They are woven by the author into a new fabric in which they become exempla of the axiological values that are posed by the text itself. This structure is based on the urbs Romae – exterae gentes polarity —clearly informed by a Roman-centric worldview—, in which the world is divided (not always precisely) into what is Roman and what is not. Within the non-
Roman world, Carthage (as a city, as a collective subject, or through its leaders) has an important position and reappears frequently throughout the work. The purpose of this presentation is to attempt to classify the forms of representation of "the Carthaginian" as they appear in the text, and then analyze the function of those representations as a support for the author's rethorical strategy.


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How to Cite

Nasta, M. (2017). Presencia y función de Cartago en Facta et Dicta Memora-bilia de Valerio Máximo. Stylos, 25(25), 202–213. Retrieved from


