La traducción de la terminología de la crítica literaria latina. Un estudio de caso: la breuitas en la Institutio Oratoria de Quintiliano


  • Verónica Iribarren Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Melina Jurado Universidad de Buenos Aires


Translation, Technical terminology, Latin literary criticism, Breuitas, Quintilian


In the Institutio Oratoria -technical and rhetorical text intended for training of future orators-, Quintilian constantly transmits its findings and aesthetic judgments on various literary works and Greco-Latin writers. For this, the rhetor uses specialized words that belong to the field of ancient literary criticism. A detailed analysis of their appearance in the Calagurritano’s work yields the polysemic character which have many of these terms according to the circumstances of their use. 
In this paper we will limit ourselves to the study of term breuitas, relieving each of their appearances and meanings along the Institutio, in order to warn the difficulties and problems that the ambiguity of this type of technical terminology presents at the time of its translation, considering the qualities of precision and strictness it requires.


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How to Cite

Iribarren, V., & Jurado, M. (2017). La traducción de la terminología de la crítica literaria latina. Un estudio de caso: la breuitas en la Institutio Oratoria de Quintiliano. Stylos, 25(25), 117–132. Retrieved from


