Interdiscursivity – Cleon – Pericles – Reformulation – ThucydidesAbstract
Thucydides presents Cleon for the first time in the Antilogy of Mytilene (Thuc. 3.36-50). In this episode, the historian reproduces a speech that the politician may have pronounced in defense of a harsh punishment against Mytilene since they had tried to abandon the Delian League. His words present a series of “echoes” from Pericles’ orations, which were reproduced in the previous books, and, therefore, they are their “interdiscourse”, i.e. “something already said”. These marks have been considered and studied by the scholarship from different perspectives (Cairns, 1982; Hornblower, 1991; de Romilly, 1963: 143-6).
As a consequence, this paper aims to analyze which is the function of these echoes within Cleon’s speech. I will argue that this interdiscursivity affects not only the way the politician builds his ethos, but also the way the historian represents him.
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