Peer review process

Initial evaluation and peer review process

The documents received will undergo an initial evaluation carried out by the editors or other specialists at the request of the Editorial Management, to discern their originality, relevance, scientific interest and agreement with the mission of the Journal and decide whether or not to accept them for publication. The Journal reserves the right to reject works in advance, providing the respective reasons. In case of disagreement with the decision, the eventual request for reconsideration will be submitted to the Editorial Committee of the Journal.
In addition, the Magazine makes a preliminary style correction. For this reason, the authors can receive suggestions or a revised version of the text or be consulted to resolve doubts, before starting the arbitration process.
The authors will have a period of 30 days, which may be exceptionally extended for another thirty days, to make the adjustments indicated in the initial evaluation. Once this period has expired, the submission will be considered withdrawn by the author.
Prudentia Iuris will only initiate the arbitration process for works that comply with the publication standards. The adaptation of the originals to the standards of the Journal is the responsibility of the authors. The Journal does not charge fees for the process of evaluating works for publication.
The texts sent to Prudentia Iuris for the sections that require peer evaluation will be evaluated by one or two specialists external to the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, designated by the Journal's Management. These texts will be submitted to arbitration according to the “double blind” system to preserve the anonymity of the authors and referees. The Editorial Management will ensure the anonymity of the article by eliminating names or references to the author from the text and archive.
The requested referees, upon acceptance of the arbitration, must evaluate the works in accordance with the publication standards, according to the corresponding form and maintain confidentiality regarding everything related to their intervention as evaluators.
The period for carrying out the arbitration from its acceptance will be a maximum of 30 days. As a thank you for their collaboration, the referee will be given a copy of the issue of the Magazine in which they participated and a certificate will be issued for their performance. The Journal will not publish the names of the referees in order to guarantee the anonymity of the review.
The referee's opinion must indicate: Approved – Approved with optional changes – Approved with mandatory changes, to be verified by the Editorial Management – Approved with mandatory changes, to be verified by the referee – Rejected. The opinion will be communicated to the author, guaranteeing the anonymity of the referee. If it is an approved text subject to changes, the author will have a period of 30 days to send the new version. For his part, if applicable, the referee must verify the corrections within a period of 15 days.
In case of controversy in the arbitration process, the issue will be resolved by the Editorial Committee of the Journal.
In all cases, the date of receipt of the work and the date of its acceptance will be published, either by the academic referee or by the Editorial Management, as appropriate.