Yankee Traces in Hudson's Life and Work


  • Jason Wilson University College London




Yankee´s Identity, Accent, Puritan Culture, Bible, Thoreau, Indians, Countryside Naturalist, Rima


This essay is in three parts. The first looks at Hudson’s puritanical family past in many details because Hudson never elaborated on this side of his double identity. I try to assess the influence of reading the Bible in English as his schooling, his mother's hate for the English, how he wrote his fiction against her Puritan values etc. The second part deals with Hudson's enormous admiration for Thoreau as example of his Yankee identity. I underline how Hudson followed Thoreau, the North American Indians, becoming a field naturalist, provocations etc. The third part explores his late North American fame through Epstein's Rima and the US film of Green Mansions and Rima's destiny following Hollywood guidelines and not Hudson's novel.


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How to Cite

Wilson, J. (2023). Yankee Traces in Hudson’s Life and Work. Letras, (87), 36–54. https://doi.org/10.46553/LET.87.2023.p36-54