From Cancionero de Baena to Marqués de Santillana : the tradition of the Cantiga de Loores of Saint Mary


  • Claudia Cano Instituto de Educación Superior 9-011 “Del Atuel”. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Cantigas de loor, Virgin Mary, Cancionero de Baena, Marqués de Santillana, Poetic Generations


The tradition of composing songs of praise in honor of Virgin Mary, begun in the thirteenth century by the Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X and continued in the fourteenth century by Juan Ruiz and Pero López de Ayala, is not absent in the cancioneril poetry of the fifteenth century. Pierre Le Gentil points that this tradition is exclusively represented by short lyric compositions that do not deal with miracles or examples, but are devoted to the praise of the Mother of God and the prayer for help and intercession (Le Gentil, 1949-1953: 297). The purpose of this paper is to examine the Cantigas de loor that were collected in the Cancionero de Baena and were composed by the poets of the first and the second generation, and the “Coplas a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe” by the Marqués de Santillana, a poet of the following generation, in order to recognize traditional features and innovations. The analysis focuses on the metrical forms, the themes, and the spatial structure of the poems.


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How to Cite

Cano, C. (2017). From Cancionero de Baena to Marqués de Santillana : the tradition of the Cantiga de Loores of Saint Mary. Letras, (73), 75–87. Retrieved from



Ponencias. Estudios de literatura española medieval