Strategic competence as a factor in the development of communicative competence


  • Milagros Muschietti Piana Pontifical Argentine Catholic University


Learner Autonomy – Learning Strategies – Action Orientated Learning – Focus on the Learning Process – Student-Centered Approach – Spanish FL


This paper presents the importance of strategic competence in the process of language learning with an approach that is action-orientated, student-centred and has a focus on the process, thus, highlighting the impact on linguistic and communicative competence. Due to lack of material, that include among their activities the development and practice of learning strategies and that are systematically diverse, we have designed a paper with this specifically in mind. Moreover, it was written based on a specific classroom manual, however, it is versatile enough to be used in correlation with any other textbook to teach Spanish as a foreign language. The use of this material in multicultural class setting in Argentina, demonstrated that students improved their communicative and language competence when they begin language learning strategies systematically. However, for this to happen you need teachers willing to shift from a directive approach to one of a guide, which in turn facilitates and encourage students to develop their own personal direction.


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How to Cite

Muschietti Piana, M. (2019). Strategic competence as a factor in the development of communicative competence. Letras, (79), 121–155. Retrieved from