Trotaconventos at the crossroads of orality and writing : the language-disguise


  • Sofía Margarita Carrizo Rueda Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Trotaconventos, Coexistence of Oral and Written Culture, Episode of Da. Garoza, Recitation and Reading Aloud


The episode of Da. Garoza stands out for being among those who have aroused greater interest among the scholars of the Libro de buen amor. But it can be proven that the aspects most often dealt with are those typical of the culture of the schools. The present work will focus, therefore, on the traces of an oral culture that still coexisted and interacted with writing, and attending, particularly, to the construction of the character of Trotaconventos. It will address formal aspects such as the constitution of the debate through narratives and the transformations of the duplicated portraits; as to the content, we will analyze the meaning of the fables in the mouth of the procuress; questions regarding the use of language and its intentionality will be investigated and the consequences of transmission through reading aloud and recitation will be examined.


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How to Cite

Carrizo Rueda, S. M. (2019). Trotaconventos at the crossroads of orality and writing : the language-disguise. Letras, 1(77), 69–84. Retrieved from