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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or PDF format.

  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.

  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidlelines for Authors, which can be found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

1. Letras was founded in 1981 by the Department of Literature, Shool of Philosophy and Literature, Universidad Católica Argentina. The journal publishes two issues per year and includes articles within the fields of philology, linguistics, literary theory and criticism or other disciplines related to discourse analysis, with special emphasis on Hispanic literatures. However it may include, under given circumstances, collaborations about other literatures. Owing to its scientific status, it is addressed to members in all areas of academic life: research, teaching and education. It has an Editorial Board formed by international specialists of known prestige in their respective areas. The members of the Editorial Board may advise on suggested themes and external assessors. They collaborate in the first reading of all submitted articles and advise the Director when there is a conflictive situation. The Journal also has an Advisory Board of professors occupying the highest positions in the School of Philosophy and Literature, Universidad Católica Argentina. Its members collaborate in the reading of all submitted articles before they are sent to the assessors and, finally, in the proofreading process and the style corrections (see additional information on both Boards in points B.1. and B.2. of the APPENDIX. PEER-REVIEW GUIDELINES).

2. Editorial Policy. The articles are commended by the Director or spontaneously presented to the journal. All articles must be original and cannot be simultaneously evaluated by another journal. Letras uses double-blind peer review and evaluations remain anonymous (See the Appendix: Peer Review Guidelines). The journal even tually publishes special issues that include a selection of papers presented at a scientific conference organized by the Department of Letters and reviewed by a committee of experts designated ad hoc. Moreover, special issues may be devoted to a specific topic that has been prioritized by the University research policies. In such cases, the rate of external authors may diminish. The papers presented by UCA professors are also peer-reviewed by external assessors. The high standard of the editorial process governing the selection of articles guarantees the quality of each issue. The journal includes two sections: Articles and Reviews.

3. The official language of the journal is Spanish. Articles in another language may be accepted exceptionally, after consulting the Boards. Originals should be headed by the article’s title, followed by the author’s name(s), institution(s) and e-mail address. Additionally, they should include an abstract in the article’s language and in English (between 100 and 200 words), with the corresponding keywords (between 4 and 6). The author’s address, phone and fax number (institutional and personal) should be sent in an attached envelope.

4. Submitted articles must be sent as a Word file in the following format: Paper size: A4; Font: Times New Roman 12 pt; Line spacing: 2; Left margin 2.5 cm, Right margin 2 cm. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 25 pages.

5. Short quotations (up to four lines) will be included in inverted commas (“...”) within the body of the text. Longer quotations should be written in a separate paragraph with indentation of 3 cm on the left. Suppressions inside quotations should be indicated by this sign: [...].

6. Footnotes must be located at the bottom of the page. The font should be Times New Roman 10 pt. The purpose of footnotes is to provide additional explanations or complimentary information. Superscript footnote reference numbers should be written after punctuation marks. 

7. Bibliographical references within the body of the text should be included in parentheses (not in a footnote) and indicate the surname of the author, the publication year and the pages quoted (Author, Year: Page). They can also follow the system (Author, Abbreviated Title, Page). Examples: (Genette, 1989: 127) and(Genette, Palimpsestos, 127).

8. All bibliographical references should be included in a Works Cited list at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, as shown in the examples below:

Books and chapters from a book, following the system (Author, Year, Page): 

Genette, Gérard, 1989, Palimpsestos. La literatura en segundo grado, Madrid, Taurus.
Eco, Umberto, 1999, “El mito de Superman”, en Apocalípticos e integrados, Barcelona, Lumen y Tusquets, pp. 219-256.

Or else following the system (Author, Abbreviated Title, Page):

Genette, Gérard, Palimpsestos. La literatura en segundo grado, Madrid, Taurus, 1989.
Eco, Umberto, “El mito de Superman”, en Apocalípticos e integrados, Barcelona, Lumen y Tusquets, 1999, pp. 219-256.

Journals following the system (Author, Year, Page): 

Leñero, Carmen, 2003, “Palabra poética y teatralidad”, Acta poética 24-1, 225-258.

Or else following the system (Author, Abbreviated Title, Page):

Leñero, Carmen, “Palabra poética y teatralidad”, Acta poética 24-1 (2003), 225-258.

9. The information and views set out in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Editorial Board.



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The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this magazine and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.