La relación competitiva entre Fernando I de Aragón y el Conde de Urgel : el fracaso de la negociación y el enfrentamiento armado (1410- 1413)


  • Laura Carbó Universidad Nacional del Sur


Aragón, Fernando de Castilla, Conde de Urgel, Conflicto, Negociaciones frustradas


In the race for Aragon’s unsucessed throne, the Infant don Fernando of Castile challenges other five candidates with the same expectations. After a period of two years of Interregnum with confrontations in the parliamentary, military, economic and religious fronts, it is finally through the Compromise of Caspe that the Infant is elected new king. Having been the rapport between candidates strictly of a competitive nature during the election process, conflicts continued during the aftermath, in particular with one of the candidates, the Count of Urgel. The purpose of this article is to describe the conflict that evolved between the new king and the Count of Urgel as a living process that changed, acquired new dimensions and involved conciliating third parties and fruitless negotiations attempting to end a dispute that ultimately was resolved through military engagement.  


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Como Citar

Carbó, L. (2016). La relación competitiva entre Fernando I de Aragón y el Conde de Urgel : el fracaso de la negociación y el enfrentamiento armado (1410- 1413). Estudios De Historia De España, 12(1), 73–91. Obtido de


