Hispanojewish epigraphy of the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo: a review of the Jewish “protohistory” of the long 7th century





Judaism, Visigothic Kingdom, pigraphy, Jewish archaeology, protohistory


The period known as the “long 7th century”, starting from the III Council of Toledo in 589AD up until the Islamic invasion in 711AD, coincided with the Catholic period of the Visigothic Kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula. For the Late Antique Hispanian Jewish communities, this long 122-year period is considered as a “protohistoric” parenthesis, in which internal Jewish sources are almost entirely absent. This historiographical aspect of 7th century Judaism was accepted by sections of conventional research who follow external, and often hostile ecclesiastical and royal sources on the Jews, describing an increasingly virulent persecution that ultimately ended Jewish life in Hispania, whether partially or completely. However, a different view of their fate through their apparent persecution is provided by Jewish epigraphy between the 6th and 8th centuries. The epigraphic Jewish practices before, during and after the “long 7th century” show a continuity of public displays of their Judaism in territories controlled by the Visigothic kings. Such a documented Jewish presence found during this period invites us to reflect on the historiographic dependency of documentary sources when studying Hispanian Judaism under the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo.


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Author Biography

Dr. Alexander Bar-Magen Numhauser, Independent researcher

D. in archaeology por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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How to Cite

Bar-Magen Numhauser, A. (2023). Hispanojewish epigraphy of the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo: a review of the Jewish “protohistory” of the long 7th century. Estudios De Historia De España, 25(2), 102–128. https://doi.org/10.46553/EHE.25.2.2023.p102-128