Scrutinizing Thomas Hobbes. Myths, opacities and reading perspectives
Thomas Hobbes, Democracy, Law, History of Political PhilosophyAbstract
This brief article will not aim to address the innumerable intricacies and depths of the Hobbesian corpus, which would be frankly a titanic undertaking, but to illuminate and make explicit certain conceptualizations that generally remain closed or obscured in the most common readings at the didactic level. However, the objective will not be to build a white legend about Thomas Hobbes, but to contribute conceptually to carry out a more nuanced and balanced reading.
The development, beyond reviewing some "common places" about Hobbes that are repeated uncritically, will focus on certain specific themes from which it is proposed to retrace the superficial readings on the author of Malmesbury: First, is it possible to conduct a question about democracy in Hobbes? Or, in other terms, is Hobbes merely a defender of the absolute monarchy? Secondly, the political conflict in Thomas Hobbes through the Leviathan as an artificial and voluntary creation of a common power, whose main sovereign mark is the law. A common power that is embodied as a functional structure for the multiplication of the power of corporations and powerful individuals or how the limit to such powers?
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