Economic ideology : a comparison between hispanic and anglo-saxon nations


  • Carlos Newland Escuela Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas


Economic Ideology, Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Culture, Hispanic Culture


This paper seeks to compare and contrast the economy’s perception within Hispanic American countries and Commonwealth nations. The World Values Survey, represents the ground base of the work that shows the main features of economic mentality. The survey’s questionnaire reveals whether there is a pro-capitalist or anticapitalist perception, which is defined as a favorable attitude towards economic freedom, internal and external competition, initiative and private business management and the concept of market as a wealth creator. Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay have been selected to represent Latin America, and the results are compared to the survey’s outcomes in United States, New Zealand and Australia. The collected information allows the author to conclude that Anglo-Saxon countries show a greater acceptance and appreciation of market economy than its perception in Latin America, a phenomenon that seems to have increased even more in the first three decades of the new millennium.


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How to Cite

Newland, C. (2018). Economic ideology : a comparison between hispanic and anglo-saxon nations. Cultura Económica, 34(92), 7–20. Retrieved from