Finally, a manifesto!


  • Luca Meldolesi A Colorni-Hirschman International Institute




The article analyzes the historical context in which Hirschman writes The Rhetoric of Reaction, a context marked by criticism of the Welfare State and the rise of neo-conservatism in the United States, and the turn towards authoritarianism in many Latin American countries. It also shows the relevance of the text at the time of receipt and in the current political situation. In exposing the development of hirschmanian ideas and arguments, on the one hand, the author’s particular “possibilism” cognitive style is shown, which is found by intellectual modesty in recognition of the complexity of reality and our limited ability to understand it; and, on the other hand, its constant commitment to strengthening democracy in contemporary market societies.


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How to Cite

Meldolesi, L. (2020). Finally, a manifesto!. Cultura Económica, 38(99), 13–25. Retrieved from