José Luis de Imaz 1929 - 2008. Su legado a la sociología argentina


  • José Enrique Miguens


continuity in science, humanism, critical realism, scientific discipline


In May 2008 the renowned Argentine academic José Luis de Imaz passed away. Professor at UCA and sociologist of great importance nationally and internationally, his legacy remains vital for the current Argentine Sociology and society. José Enrique Miguens, who was a pupil and a colleague of the former, offers in this article an academic tribute to this social thinker. The author highlights the important contribution made by de Imaz to the Catholic “way” of doing Sociology based on certain principles and methods that characterized his thought and work.


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Piaget, J. (1977), Estudios sociológicos, Ariel, Barcelona.



How to Cite

Miguens, J. E. (2019). José Luis de Imaz 1929 - 2008. Su legado a la sociología argentina. Cultura Económica, 27(75-76), 134–138. Retrieved from