The Role of Information in Society


  • José María Dagnino Pastore Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas




This article purports to create and enhance consciousness about the essential role of information in society’s conformation and evolution. It does so by providing foundations to the contribution of information and expression freedom, and of public provision of trustworthy data, in search of supreme values of life and progress in society, such as security, freedom, and equity. In the first part, the author explains that information has great social value because it contributes to economic development and constitutes a public good. Then, it explains the problems caused by disinformation and finally, analyzes the role of the State in the process of information broadcasting.


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How to Cite

Dagnino Pastore, J. M. (2019). The Role of Information in Society. Cultura Económica, 28(79), 22–32. Retrieved from