Don Quixote or the First Modern Subject
Don Quixote, subject, object, Modernity, narrative matrix, heroism, antiheroismAbstract
This work intends to analyze the figure of Don Quixote, in the novel of Cervantes, in the light of a general theory of the three narrative matrixes (cosmogonic, heroic, and novelistic) that define the gradual decline in will, power and effectiveness of the actant-subject in its relations with the world-object. The case of Don Quixote presents itself as emblematic of the new modern subjectivity, not only because it inaugurates the model of a subject of omnipotent pretensions vis-a-vis objective reality, but because it anticipates, and in a certain way consumes, the entire parable of Modernity, by presenting the evolution of that initial omnipotent and effective subject towards ineffectiveness, impotence, apathy and failure.Downloads
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