Images we live by in organizations


  • María Marta Preziosa Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Metaphors, Organizational Studies, Cognitive Linguistics, Business Ethics


This paper is grounded on the idea that every organization is a microcosm whose members share a mindset due to their common experiential basis. Thus, those shared images and metaphors will be studied in order to consider the possibility of finding a vehicle for an understanding of the organizational microcosm. This possibility will be illustrated with a study carried through group drawings made by several company employees in Argentina. Specifically, we will analyze some elicited “ideas of order”, of which we will explore its semantic connotations and its moral implications.


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How to Cite

Preziosa, M. M. (2018). Images we live by in organizations. Cultura Económica, 34(92), 21–32. Retrieved from