Introduction to the methods used in classical natural law philosophy


  • Álvaro José Freile Franco Universidad de los Hemisferios


Epistemología, Método, Hábitos cognoscitivos, Filosofía del Derecho - Leonardo Polo


The following paper introduces the possibility of connecting Leonardo Polo’s theory of knowledge with classical natural philosophy of law. To begin, the paper briefly explains the nucleus of Polo’s epistemology and the different treatment it gives to the concept of method. Method is here used not in the way it is ordinarily employed in philosophy of science, but rather in the new, revolutionary mode developed by Polo. Afterwards, the article proposes a new way to classify Philosophy of Law that corresponds with the new epistemology that was expounded. The new division permits understanding the different roads taking by philosophy and how Philosophy of Law has, at least, three main paths to find answers to fundamental questions. Finally, the new division in philosophy of law is developed and some questions and answers of natural right philosophy are given their new place. Philosophy of Law becomes more organized and better structured, with which future studies have a more solid ground on which to establish themselves.


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Como Citar

Freile Franco, Álvaro J. (2017). Introduction to the methods used in classical natural law philosophy. Prudentia Iuris, (84), 107–136. Obtido de



Parte II. Estudios Doctrinales