The political common good


  • Carlos Alberto Gabriel Maino Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Common good, Principle of subsidiarity, Natural Law, Infrapolitical societies, Intermediate societies, Family.


The article addresses the problem of the common good in the political society and the respect for the family and the rest of infrapolitical societies, in accordance with the natural law and the principle of subsidiarity. The ideas of Professor Bernardino Montejano, and others authors of the classical tradition of UCA Law School, are taken as main source.



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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Gabriel Maino, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Profesor Titular con dedicación especial, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesor adjunto regular, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 


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How to Cite

Maino, C. A. G. (2020). The political common good. Prudentia Iuris, 133–148. Retrieved from



Part II Research articles