The Gift as the Foundation of Economic and Social Life


  • Antonio Moreno Almárcegui Universidad de Navarra
  • Germán Scalzo Universidad Panamericana




This article shows how the different conceptions of the notion of grace in Protestantism and Catholicism affect human social relationships. Particularly, we will see how unlike the Protestant tradition -which tends to separate them- the Catholic tradition makes a continuous synthesis between two differentiated but intimately related realities, namely the gift and the contract. These two different facets have consequences for justice and charity. We will reflect on the gift, explaining some of its philosophical and anthropological assumptions that contribute to its rehabilitation in social and economic life.


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How to Cite

Moreno Almárcegui, A., & Scalzo, G. (2018). The Gift as the Foundation of Economic and Social Life. Cultura Económica, 35(94), 21–46. Retrieved from